Thursday, August 13, 2009

Things to Consider Before Beginning Your Web Project

• What is the project?

You need to determine what the project will entail. Some questions to have ready include:

• How many pages will need to be created?

• Are there images and/or design (such as a previous logo design) that need to be used, or will they be created as part of the project?

• Is there copy and/or content for the site? If not, how do you intend to achieve this?

•Will there be any Flash, multimedia, programming or scripting required?
(Depending on the answer to those questions may raise your prices.)

•When do you need the proejct completed?
Be sure that if you need an accelerated schedule, that you mention before the project is started.

•How much long-term maintenance is required?
Think beyond just getting the pages up on the website. You may need to make sure that your maintenance is covered.